Despite the floods in southern Germany, the annual Bottle Cellar Seminar at the Weihenstephan campus was held as planned on June 4 and 5, 2024. The Chair of Brewing and Beverage Technology and VBW Asset Trade Weihenstephan GmbH once again invited numerous industry representatives and scientists from the Technical University of Munich to give specialist presentations on current challenges facing the beverage bottling industry and relevant research findings. The demand was once again enormous and the 80 available registration places were sold out early.
To review the events, you can download the seminar program via the following link (in German):
Stay tuned for information about the next Bottle Cellar Seminar and other upcoming scientific seminars!
Our Weihenstephan seminars were again successfully completed. At the 20th Raw Materials Seminar, everything revolved around the raw materials of brewing grain, water and hops. The specialist presentations were followed by the presentation of the Berlin program and the growers' meeting by invitation. The day ended in a cozy atmosphere in the Stephanskeller of the Bräustüberl Weihenstephan together with the VeW regulars' table.
A special focus of the 56th Technology & Engineering Seminar was the use of AI technologies in the brewing and beverage industry. The Bavarian Evening of the second day of the seminar on March 19, 2024 coincided with the traditional Josephibock tapping ceremony of the Chair of Brewing and Beverage Technology and thus offered a great opportunity to experience and enjoy Bavarian culture and brewing tradition up close.
To review the events, you can download the seminar program via the following link (in German):
Download seminar program (1 MB)
We look forward to welcoming you to Weihenstephan in 2025, when the motto will once again be: Science for Practice!
From June 16 to 18, 2023, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Verband ehemaliger Weihenstephaner der Brauerabteilung e. V. (Association of Former Weihenstephan Brewers), our Brewing Symposium 2023 took place. At various locations around the Freising campus of the Technical University of Munich and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, the nearly 300 participants enjoyed the mix of technical and social events in consistently excellent summer weather, which came to a successful conclusion with a festive evening in the Luitpoldhalle Freising in the presence of invited guests of honor.
To review the course of the 3 days, the programs are still available for download below (in German).
Download Vortragsprogramm (118 KB)
We thank all participants and organizers who contributed to the success of this weekend.
Some impressions: